View Full Version : Tesla's China President Dismissed Due Alibaba Misstep?

EV Fan
12-12-2014, 08:53 AM
http://www.electricvehicleparade.com/storage/post-images/141029hongkong.png?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1418 398998228China's big market requires a new Tesla team after the company fires its China Chief, Veronica Wu. Well, that was quick. Veronica Wu's tenure as Tesla's China President lasted nine months and I wonder if it has someting to do with the last month's earnings call, when Elon Musk seemed unaware that his cars were being sold on Alibaba's T-Mall.com in China.
Here was the exchange between an analyst and Musk:
John Lovallo - Bank of America Merrill Lynch: ...I think your point is well taken, that non-Tesla salespeople might not be qualified to properly promote the brand and so forth. The question is with that in mind, how do you get comfortable with selling vehicles to resellers in China that presumably don't have your best interest in mind or promoting the brand?

More... (http://www.electricvehicleparade.com/blog/2014/12/12/teslas-china-president-dismissed-due-alibaba-misstep.html)