View Full Version : New Jersey EV Proposal Addresses Major Charging Obstacles

EV Fan
05-30-2020, 12:00 PM
By John Gartner (https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-gartner-613912/), Vehicle Electrification and Mobility Consultant and Researcher.
http://www.electricvehicleparade.com/storage/thumbnails/16421963-28305814-thumbnail.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=159079002 1452 (javascript:showFullImage('/display/ShowImage?imageUrl=%2Fstorage%2Fpost-images%2F2019evmapreg.jpg%3F__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVER SION%3D1590790021451',481,350);)[Click image to Enlarge] Gov. Murphy's goal of 330,000 electric vehicles by 2025 is going to need a strong utility plan and soon as the end of 2019 revealed only 29,601 EV and PHEVs on the road in the garden state. (Source: Drive Green NJ)Utilities are known to focus on reliability of service and for not wanting to be first when it comes to implementing a new technology or policy. The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) has conscientiously avoided being on the bleeding edge of electric vehicle (EV) policymaking. The BPU’s recently released straw proposal (https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6927612/Final-EV-Straw-Proposal-5-18-20.pdf) for supporting EVs shows that they have been studying other states' experiences, and it astutely recognizes and addresses many of the significant challenges faced in operating and integrating EV charging stations.

More... (http://www.electricvehicleparade.com/blog/2020/5/29/new-jersey-ev-proposal-addresses-major-charging-obstacles.html)