View Full Version : Video | Tesla Model S 85D Flatbed Delivery

EV Fan
04-09-2015, 09:22 PM
I've never seen an actual video of a Model S85D flatbed delivery and this is pretty interesting on a couple of different fronts. One, it looks like the location is nowhere near a service center, maybe Utah, and that's my guess why Al Van der Beek didn't receive driver orientation.
Secondly, they deliver a car with only 17 miles of charge? That's so wrong on so many levels, what if he had a long drive and the electric beast needs to be driven immediately without waiting for a charge.
To me, this points to the all the knuckleheads forbidding Tesla (https://www.google.com/search?q=teslarati.com%3A+luddite&oq=teslarati.com%3A+luddite&aqs=chrome..69i57.4327j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=119&ie=UTF-8) to set up shop in their states and making it hard to get "there." Toward the end, the owner says that they can't sell the car at their place of business. Big.Bowl.of.Stupid. Energy and consumer liberty be damned says the Luddites, Koch heads or pro-pollution folk.
However, Al is stoked and he's going really fast in Utah.

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